Return Policy

If for whatever reason, you are not 100% satisfied, you can return any eligible items for a store credit within 10 days of having received your order. While we do not issue refunds, we are happy to accept your return for store credit (does not expire) or help you process an exchange. We cannot guarantee availability on items. Final sale items (not regular priced items, sale, discount codes, flash sales) cannot be returned for exchanges or store credit.  

Merchandise must be new, unworn and unaltered with tags attached. We are not responsible for washed items even if following wash instructions. You can always contact us with any questions, and we will do our best to assist you.

Customer is responsible for return/exchanges shipping cost. All returns must be postmarked within 10 days of having received your order (as per tracking info). We reserve the right to deny a return based on item condition or if customer has returned over 20 times total. Original shipping costs are not refundable nor added to store credit totals.

*Please keep a copy of your receipt with your tracking number once you ship back your returns to us. We are not responsible for lost packages. That receipt will help you and us keep track of your return shipment. You can ship back your return via USPS, UPS or FedEx.*

Please fill out Returns Form on the back of your receipt and mail back to:

Xima Fashion Returns
15 Miramonte Apt 701
Guaynabo PR 00966